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Friday, October 7, 2011

Love & Marriage

Love and marriage, love and marriage go together like did that go again? Oh who knows! ;)

But two things that definitely go together are bridal showers and sweets!  Today we had a little bridal shower for one of the ladies at work.  I volunteered to bring a sweet treat and whipped up these iced heart cookies.  They were quite a hit! 

Even little miss Leah enjoyed a few cookies after dinner tonight! That girl knows how to hoover down a cookie like nobody's business! :)

But, seriously who doesn't love sugar cookies?  I know this girl does....I never saw a cookie I didn't like ;). And speaking of eating cookies....time to go eat MY sweets.  After a busy week, I think I deserve it... 

Until next time...Go eat you sweets everyone!


  1. Those Cookies look beautiful I want one.
    Can I be a Food tester?? hahahah

  2. WOW this blog is so good! i can't wait to see more.i have an idea for you. next you should make halloween sweats! keep up the good work!
    -Caroline Mardirossian

  3. Thanks for the support guys :) Chris you can absolutely be a food tester...maybe the cookie fairy will come leave a surprise on your doorstep sometime soon!
    Caroline...stay tuned for some halloween sweets!
