Open for Business!

If you're interested in ordering any sweets,
please email me at:

and I will be happy to email you pricing for the items you want!

Thanks for visiting Eat Your Sweets!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Robot Pops for a Special Birthday Boy!

Today we headed over to our dear friends Jim and Julie's house to celebrate their son Rylan's 3rd birthday.  Rylan and Leah are best buddies and we were all so excited about celebrating his big day!

A few weeks ago Julie had asked me if I'd make cake pops for his birthday party, and of course I said an enthusiastic YES! 

When I asked what design she was thinking of she said that the birthday boy wanted robots, so I did some research, put my creative sweets cap on, and got to work.

I was so excited to try out a new pop design and was thrilled to be making them for such a special little guy!

These pops were so fun to make and I was VERY happy with the final product.

While considering how I wanted the pops to look, I decided to spice things up and make three different types of robots.

Here are the blue robots.  I decided to add some silver shimmer dust to make them look extra robotic.

Here are the green cyclops robots.  I was in love with these little one eyed delights!

(I feel like they look like a character straight out of Monster's Inc. Don't you?)

Lastly, here are the red robots...ready to invade the party!

And here is the whole fleet together.  Aren't they fabulous!?

Well, I am thrilled to say that these little guys were a big hit at the party.  Everyone loved them and went back for seconds. 

Most importantly, the birthday boy was super excited about his birthday treat.  It gave me the best feeling inside to see his face light up when he saw them!

I love making each sweet creation so much.  Experimenting with different designs, colors schemes, and characters.

But I think my favorite part of each baking project is seeing how happy it makes its recipient.  :)

I hope you all enjoyed seeing my latest creation as much as I loved making them....

And until next time, don't forget to eat your sweets!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Battle of the Boxes

This past Saturday I headed down to Crossfit 914 for the "Battle of the Boxes 2".  It was an event that invited people from Crossfit gyms around Westchester County to come compete in various workouts. And these are no ordinary workouts people. They are cray-cray intense!  These guys and gals are lifting heavy weights, running with weighted vests, swinging kettle bells, and pushing themselves to the max!  It was really cool to see what Steve has been so passionate about for all this time and awesome to see him and all his 914 buddies in action.

Our friend Jim, an avid crossfitter like Steve, organized the event and suggested that I come put out some of my Naturally Sweet bars.  Many people who do crossfit are also health conscious (or do the paleo way of eating), so I thought, what a great opportunity to get the word out about Eat Your Sweets and this new line of healthy treats!
Here are my bars - packaged, labeled, and ready to go!

Steve helped me out and designed the awesome labels for my bars - one of the perks of being married to a graphic designer who does package design! 

Here is a close up look at the three types of bars I made:



 Double Date Nut

And this is how my table at the event looked:

 pretty cute, right?!

 I got some good feedback from people at the event and was very happy that they loved my Naturally Sweet treats and indulged in quite a few. (I can't wait to try out some new paleo creations!)

The event was a big success too!  Not only did it help to raise money for the ASPCA, but one of the teams competing from Crossfit 914 came in 1st place!

So it was a great day all around  :)

Thanks again for reading everyone and stay tuned for my next post coming at the end of the week...really great things coming!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Naturally Sweet

In addition to trying to perfect my variety of "sweet sweets",  I have been determined to create more natural treats as well.  And from this desire, "Naturally Sweet" by Eat Your Sweets is born!

My Apricot Chocolate Pecan bars that I made at Easter time were such a hit with my paleo-loving hubbie (and with one of my sister's very health conscious friends who was hooked from her first bite!), that I've been dying to try out some new varieties.

So this weekend I decided to whip up some new paleo-friendly, naturally sweet sweets.  These bars are full of fabulous flavors, delicious dried fruits, healthy nuts, and a variety of organic ingredients.  (But as a side bar - they are not 100% organic....yet!)

The first bar I experimented with was a Chocolate Cherry Walnut bar:

Seriously? What could be better than dark chocolate and dried cherries?  Yum Yum Yum! That's all I have to say about that!  These babies came out great :)

Next I tried out a bar I like to call the Double Date Nut bar:

These have dates, raisins, and two kinds of heart healthy nuts in it.  They turned out super moist and delicious...better than I could have hoped!

The paleo police (aka - Steve) loved both kinds of bars, which is what I was going for!  Even the picky police (aka - Leah) liked one of my new creations too...she opted for the Double Date Nut...a wise choice!

So, satisfied that my latest endeavors were successful, it's back to the drawing board to think of more yummy natural sweets to create!

I hope you all liked this latest post and stay tuned for more "sweet sweets" to come later on in the week!

Until next time ~ whether they be naturally sweet, or a little sinful, take the time to eat your sweets!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

"Sprinkling" Some Moms-To-Be With Love and Pops!

A few weeks ago my friend Heather asked me if I was interested in making some cake pops for a "Baby Sprinkle" that she and her mom were throwing for her sister and sister-in-law.  What is a Baby Sprinkle you ask?  Well both these moms-to-be are expecting baby #2, so rather than having another full-blown shower, a sprinkle is a smaller-scale affair that helps build the new baby's wardrobe and collection of things.  Such a cute idea, right?  Naturally I agreed to make some sweets for this sweet event! 

The theme for the sprinkle was jungle/safari animals, so I chose to make lion and monkey cake pops to go along with this theme.

Here are my little peanut-butter lions: 

Aren't they adorable?!? I think that they look like they are either surprised, or like they have a good secret.  

I was SO happy with how this pride of lions turned out!

I had a left over chocolate-dipped pop from my monkeys, so I decided to try out a little brown lion.  How fabulous is he!?! I think he's my favorite of all :)

Now, here is my band of silly little monkeys:

I think they look a little crazy and mischievous just like real monkeys, don't you?

These jungle friends came out better than I could have hoped for too!

This is the whole safari bunch ready for action:

And lastly, here is how the whole gang looked on display at the sprinkle:

I couldn't have been more pleased with how the final product looked.

I am happy to say that Heather and her mom both loved how the pops turned out.  It was the best feeling to see how happy they were when I dropped them off this afternoon.  It was also a fabulous feeling to get asked where I got the pops and reply, "I made them!"  Go me!!!

The feedback after the sprinkle was that they were a huge hit and apparently there were none left over at the end! Another successful batch of pops...hooray!

Well, I hope you all enjoyed my latest adventures in cake pops...I know I really enjoyed making them!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog everyone and eat those sweets!

Twin Pops!

Recently the word has gotten out to some of the parents at my school that I have started a baking business on the side.

A few weeks ago one of the moms of a child in my class approached me about making cake pops for her twin daughters birthday that would be coming up.

Of course I said I'd be happy to make pops for these two sweeties!  I then proceeded to pick her brain about what the girls might like.  While these two girls are similar in some ways, they are very much individuals as they deserved two different color schemed pops!

Here's how they looked when they were all finished:

The first set was a royal color scheme - purple and gold.

The second set was a more cool color scheme - blue with silver sprinkles.

Here are all the pops together:

I think both color schemes looked fabulous and the general consensus among all the students was that they were delicious!

Most importantly - both birthday girls were very happy with their special treat, so I considered my efforts to be a success!

Just another quick post to whet your appetites for the next batch of great pops coming your way - get ready everyone!  They are very cute, if I don't say so myself...

Until next time - don't forget to have a little something to sweeten up your day, and delight your taste buds too!