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Monday, June 4, 2012

Naturally Sweet

In addition to trying to perfect my variety of "sweet sweets",  I have been determined to create more natural treats as well.  And from this desire, "Naturally Sweet" by Eat Your Sweets is born!

My Apricot Chocolate Pecan bars that I made at Easter time were such a hit with my paleo-loving hubbie (and with one of my sister's very health conscious friends who was hooked from her first bite!), that I've been dying to try out some new varieties.

So this weekend I decided to whip up some new paleo-friendly, naturally sweet sweets.  These bars are full of fabulous flavors, delicious dried fruits, healthy nuts, and a variety of organic ingredients.  (But as a side bar - they are not 100% organic....yet!)

The first bar I experimented with was a Chocolate Cherry Walnut bar:

Seriously? What could be better than dark chocolate and dried cherries?  Yum Yum Yum! That's all I have to say about that!  These babies came out great :)

Next I tried out a bar I like to call the Double Date Nut bar:

These have dates, raisins, and two kinds of heart healthy nuts in it.  They turned out super moist and delicious...better than I could have hoped!

The paleo police (aka - Steve) loved both kinds of bars, which is what I was going for!  Even the picky police (aka - Leah) liked one of my new creations too...she opted for the Double Date Nut...a wise choice!

So, satisfied that my latest endeavors were successful, it's back to the drawing board to think of more yummy natural sweets to create!

I hope you all liked this latest post and stay tuned for more "sweet sweets" to come later on in the week!

Until next time ~ whether they be naturally sweet, or a little sinful, take the time to eat your sweets!!!

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