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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Twin Pops!

Recently the word has gotten out to some of the parents at my school that I have started a baking business on the side.

A few weeks ago one of the moms of a child in my class approached me about making cake pops for her twin daughters birthday that would be coming up.

Of course I said I'd be happy to make pops for these two sweeties!  I then proceeded to pick her brain about what the girls might like.  While these two girls are similar in some ways, they are very much individuals as they deserved two different color schemed pops!

Here's how they looked when they were all finished:

The first set was a royal color scheme - purple and gold.

The second set was a more cool color scheme - blue with silver sprinkles.

Here are all the pops together:

I think both color schemes looked fabulous and the general consensus among all the students was that they were delicious!

Most importantly - both birthday girls were very happy with their special treat, so I considered my efforts to be a success!

Just another quick post to whet your appetites for the next batch of great pops coming your way - get ready everyone!  They are very cute, if I don't say so myself...

Until next time - don't forget to have a little something to sweeten up your day, and delight your taste buds too!

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