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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Battle of the Boxes

This past Saturday I headed down to Crossfit 914 for the "Battle of the Boxes 2".  It was an event that invited people from Crossfit gyms around Westchester County to come compete in various workouts. And these are no ordinary workouts people. They are cray-cray intense!  These guys and gals are lifting heavy weights, running with weighted vests, swinging kettle bells, and pushing themselves to the max!  It was really cool to see what Steve has been so passionate about for all this time and awesome to see him and all his 914 buddies in action.

Our friend Jim, an avid crossfitter like Steve, organized the event and suggested that I come put out some of my Naturally Sweet bars.  Many people who do crossfit are also health conscious (or do the paleo way of eating), so I thought, what a great opportunity to get the word out about Eat Your Sweets and this new line of healthy treats!
Here are my bars - packaged, labeled, and ready to go!

Steve helped me out and designed the awesome labels for my bars - one of the perks of being married to a graphic designer who does package design! 

Here is a close up look at the three types of bars I made:



 Double Date Nut

And this is how my table at the event looked:

 pretty cute, right?!

 I got some good feedback from people at the event and was very happy that they loved my Naturally Sweet treats and indulged in quite a few. (I can't wait to try out some new paleo creations!)

The event was a big success too!  Not only did it help to raise money for the ASPCA, but one of the teams competing from Crossfit 914 came in 1st place!

So it was a great day all around  :)

Thanks again for reading everyone and stay tuned for my next post coming at the end of the week...really great things coming!

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